Many people may use weight loss methods by fasting for a short period of time. But do not change their eating habits and other aspects of their lifestyle, causing their weight to increase again. Which weight loss is healthy in the long term? Those who want to lose weight must control their diet along with some behavioral changes. This can be done as follows.

- Eat the right amount of nutritious food. Losing weight by eating weight loss food. It may not be as effective as it should be if eating habits remain the same. Therefore, you should always control your eating behavior by eating a variety of nutritious foods in the right amount UFABET
- Drink water instead of sugary drinks. When thirsty Many people may prefer to drink soda, tea, coffee, or alcohol instead of water. But those drinks are high in calories, which is one of the causes of obesity. Therefore, you should mainly drink plain water. and reduce the consumption of sweetened beverages
- exercise more Adults should exercise 2.5 hours a week by doing moderate intensity exercise such as brisk walking, running, dancing, or swimming for approximately 20-45 minutes, 5 days/week, etc. and modifying certain behaviors such as climbing the stairs instead. Using the elevator Walking or cycling to work, etc.
- Note the gradual change. While in the process of losing weight. You should weigh yourself once a week to see your changes, and don’t be upset or disappointed. If you gain weight or don’t lose weight as per your goal. You should look at the overall picture of all the weight that has been lost again after starting to lose weight several months ago.